new ga_PlayerName[MAX_players][32] new ga_PlayerAuthID[MAX_players][35] new ga_PlayerID[MAX_players] new ga_PlayerIP[MAX_players][16] new ga_MenuData[MAX_menudata] new ga_Choice[2] new gi_VoteStarter new gi_MenuPosition new gi_Sellection new gi_TotalPlayers new gi_SysTimeOffset = 0 new i //pcvars new gi_LastTime new gi_DelayTime new gf_Ratio new gf_MinVoters new gf_BF_Ratio new gi_BanTime new gi_Disable new gi_BanType
public SayIt(id) { if(get_pcvar_num(gi_Disable)) { client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX]amx_votaban disabled") return 0 }
new Elapsed=get_systime(gi_SysTimeOffset) - get_pcvar_num(gi_LastTime) new Delay=get_pcvar_num(gi_DelayTime)
if( (Delay > Elapsed) && !is_user_admin(id) ) { new seconds = Delay - Elapsed client_print(id,print_chat,"[AMXX] You have to wait %d seconds before a new voteban can be started", seconds) return 0 }
get_players( ga_PlayerID, gi_TotalPlayers ) for(i=0; i<gi_TotalPlayers; i++) { new TempID = ga_PlayerID[i] if( is_user_admin(TempID)) { if(!is_user_admin(id)) { client_print(id,print_chat,"There is an admin on the server, voting is disabled!") return 0 } }
public ChooseMenu(id, key) { switch(key) { case 8: { gi_MenuPosition=gi_MenuPosition+8 ShowPlayerMenu(id) } case 9: { if(gi_MenuPosition>=8) { gi_MenuPosition=gi_MenuPosition-8 ShowPlayerMenu(id) } else return 0 } default: { gi_Sellection=gi_MenuPosition+key new Now=get_systime(gi_SysTimeOffset) set_pcvar_num(gi_LastTime, Now)
run_vote() return 0 } } return PLUGIN_HANDLED }
public run_vote() { log_amx("Vote ban started by %s for %s %s", ga_PlayerName[gi_VoteStarter], ga_PlayerName[gi_Sellection], ga_PlayerAuthID[gi_Sellection]) format(ga_MenuData,(MAX_menudata-1),"Ban %s for %d minutes?^n1. Yes^n2. No",ga_PlayerName[gi_Sellection], get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime)) ga_Choice[0] = 0 ga_Choice[1] = 0 show_menu( 0, (1<<0)|(1<<1), ga_MenuData, 15, "VoteMenu" ) set_task(15.0,"outcom") return 0 }
public CountVotes(id, key) { ++ga_Choice[key] return PLUGIN_HANDLED }
public outcom() { new TotalVotes = ga_Choice[0] + ga_Choice[1] new Float:result = (float(ga_Choice[0]) / float(TotalVotes))
if( get_pcvar_float(gf_MinVoters) >= ( float(TotalVotes) / float(gi_TotalPlayers) ) ) { client_print(0,print_chat,"[AMXX] Not enough voters to ban %s!", ga_PlayerName[gi_Sellection]) return 0 } else { if( result < get_pcvar_float(gf_BF_Ratio) ) { client_print(0,print_chat,"[AMXX] The vote back fired at %s, he is banned for %d minutes", ga_PlayerName[gi_VoteStarter], get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime)) ActualBan(gi_VoteStarter) log_amx("[AMXX] The vote back fired at %s, he is banned for %d minutes", ga_PlayerName[gi_VoteStarter], get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime)) }
if( result >= get_pcvar_float(gf_Ratio) ) { client_print(0,print_chat,"[AMXX] The vote succeeded, %s is banned for %d minutes", ga_PlayerName[gi_Sellection], get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime)) log_amx("[AMXX] The vote succeeded: %s is banned for %d minutes", ga_PlayerAuthID[gi_Sellection], get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime)) ActualBan(gi_Sellection) } else { client_print(0,print_chat,"[AMXX] The vote did not succeeded!") log_amx("[AMXX] The voteban dit not sucseed.") } } client_print(0,print_chat,"A total of %d players, %d voted yes.", gi_TotalPlayers, ga_Choice[0])
return 0 }
public ActualBan(Selected) { new Type = get_pcvar_num(gi_BanType) switch(Type) { case 1: server_cmd("addip %d %s", get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime), ga_PlayerIP[Selected]) case 2: server_cmd("amx_ban %d %s Voteban", get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime), ga_PlayerAuthID[Selected]) default: server_cmd("banid %d %s kick", get_pcvar_num(gi_BanTime), ga_PlayerAuthID[Selected]) } return 0 }