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Уважаемые пользователи, прежде чем открыть новую тему ознакомьтесь пожалуйста с правилами и воспользуйтесь поиском.

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Модератор форума: Cooller^_^, Mushroom, Tiger_  
Что это значит?
nonfaktorДата: Воскресенье, 2014-04-06, 17:15 | Сообщение # 1
Сообщений: 11
Награды: 0
Сервер падает и копался в логах и не понял что это значит:

L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:40: Log file started (file "logs/L0312002.log") (game "cstrike") (version "48/")
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:44: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" echo HLSW: Test" from ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:47: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" maps *" from ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:47: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" changelevel de_storm" from ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: [META] ini: Begin re-reading plugins list: /root/Premium-VIP/port/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: AMX Mod X
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: dproto
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /root/Premium-VIP/port/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 2 plugins
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: [META] dll: Updating plugins...
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: [META] dll: Finished updating 10 plugins; kept 2, loaded 0, unloaded 0, reloaded 0, delayed 0
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Loading map "de_storm"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvars start
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval" = "0.5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_debug_level" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_examine_time" = "0.5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_hint_interval_time" = "10.0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_look_angle" = "10"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_look_distance" = "200"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient" = "0.07"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_message_minimum_display_time" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_message_repeats" = "5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "_tutor_view_distance" = "1000"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "aesp_version" = "1.3"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "amx_client_languages" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "amx_contactinfo" = ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "de_airstrip"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "amx_timeleft" = "29:48"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "1.8.2-dev"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "coop" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "csf_ac_version" = "1.23 Fix 3"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "csf_opengl32_version" = "2.2"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "dp_version" = "0.9.179"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "hostage_debug" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "hostage_stop" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "metamod_version" = "1.19p32"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_allowmonsters" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "0.25"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "35"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "10"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_ghostfrequency" = "0.1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "4"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.66"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "2"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "30"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "statsx_shell_ver" = "2.0.0 (BETA)"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerate" = "10"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_airmove" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_allowupload" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_alltalk" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_bounce" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_cheats" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_clienttrace" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_clipmode" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_contact" = ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_friction" = "4"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_gravity" = "800"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_logblocks" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_maxrate" = "25000"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "320"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_minrate" = "50000"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_password" = ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_proxies" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_region" = "255"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_restart" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_restartround" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_stepsize" = "18"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_stopspeed" = "75"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_uploadmax" = "0.5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_voiceenable" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_wateraccelerate" = "10"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvar "sv_waterfriction" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Server cvars end
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:51: Server cvar "sv_maxspeed" = "900"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:52: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "cs_mansion"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:52: Started map "de_storm" (CRC "1505422460")
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:53: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" changelevel serveroff" from ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Begin re-reading plugins list: /root/Premium-VIP/port/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: AMX Mod X
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: dproto
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /root/Premium-VIP/port/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 2 plugins
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] dll: Updating plugins...
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] dll: Finished updating 10 plugins; kept 2, loaded 0, unloaded 0, reloaded 0, delayed 0
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Loading map "serveroff"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvars start
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_bomb_viewable_check_interval" = "0.5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_debug_level" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_examine_time" = "0.5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_hint_interval_time" = "10.0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_look_angle" = "10"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_look_distance" = "200"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_message_character_display_time_coefficient" = "0.07"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_message_minimum_display_time" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_message_repeats" = "5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "_tutor_view_distance" = "1000"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "aesp_version" = "1.3"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "allow_spectators" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "amx_client_languages" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "amx_contactinfo" = ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "amx_nextmap" = "cs_mansion"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "amx_timeleft" = "29:53"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "amxmodx_version" = "1.8.2-dev"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "coop" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "csf_ac_version" = "1.23 Fix 3"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "csf_opengl32_version" = "2.2"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "deathmatch" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "decalfrequency" = "60"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "dp_version" = "0.9.179"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "edgefriction" = "2"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "hostage_debug" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "hostage_stop" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "humans_join_team" = "any"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "max_queries_sec" = "3.0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "max_queries_sec_global" = "30"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "max_queries_window" = "60"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "metamod_version" = "1.19p32"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_allowmonsters" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_autokick" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_autoteambalance" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_buytime" = "0.25"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_c4timer" = "35"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_chattime" = "10"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_consistency" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_fadetoblack" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_flashlight" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_footsteps" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_forcecamera" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_forcechasecam" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_fragsleft" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_freezetime" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_friendlyfire" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_ghostfrequency" = "0.1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_hostagepenalty" = "4"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_kickpercent" = "0.66"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_limitteams" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_logdetail" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_logfile" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_logmessages" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_mapvoteratio" = "0.66"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_maxrounds" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_mirrordamage" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_playerid" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_roundtime" = "2"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_startmoney" = "800"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_timeleft" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_timelimit" = "30"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_tkpunish" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_windifference" = "1"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "mp_winlimit" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "pausable" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "statsx_shell_ver" = "2.0.0 (BETA)"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "sv_accelerate" = "5"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "sv_aim" = "0"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Server cvar "sv_airaccelerat

Вот эти строки:

03/12/2014 - 01:10:53: World triggered "Round_Start"
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" changelevel serveroff" from ""
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Begin re-reading plugins list: /root/Premium-VIP/port/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: AMX Mod X
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Read plugin config for: dproto
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] ini: Finished reading plugins list: /root/Premium-VIP/port/cstrike/addons/metamod/plugins.ini; Found 2 plugins
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] dll: Updating plugins...
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: [META] dll: Finished updating 10 plugins; kept 2, loaded 0, unloaded 0, reloaded 0, delayed 0
L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Loading map "serveroff"

Сообщение отредактировал nonfaktor - Воскресенье, 2014-04-06, 17:16
Max7Дата: Воскресенье, 2014-04-06, 17:47 | Сообщение # 2
Сообщений: 310
Награды: 15
nonfaktor, у кого-то есть ваш RCON и он делает с твоим сервером что хочет...
меняет мапу на 03/12/2014 - 01:10:50: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" changelevel de_storm" from ""
потом на L 03/12/2014 - 01:10:57: Rcon: "rcon 912040114 "123" changelevel serveroff" from ""
удали ркон пароль если его не юзаешь...

nonfaktorДата: Воскресенье, 2014-04-06, 17:57 | Сообщение # 3
Сообщений: 11
Награды: 0
Так дело в том что его и нету я не ставил его.
Max7Дата: Воскресенье, 2014-04-06, 18:00 | Сообщение # 4
Сообщений: 310
Награды: 15
nonfaktor, плагин с дырой, или спрятанный конфиг... ищи

nonfaktorДата: Воскресенье, 2014-04-06, 19:22 | Сообщение # 5
Сообщений: 11
Награды: 0
Bad Rcon from
rcon 2196275616 Km7LyNB status
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:46: Bad Rcon: "rcon 2196275616 Km7LyNB status" from ""
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:47: [DPROTO]: Client 13 - Set AuthIdType 1 [dp_RevEmu]; pClient = 0xf39e216c
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:47: "rrrhaus<27><STEAM_0:0:2064668212><>" connected, address ""
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:47: "(1)Player<23><STEAM_0:0:982500734><>" entered the game
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:47: "sashka<24><STEAM_0:0:1643424764><>" entered the game
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:47: "DoR|pir0g <3<20><STEAM_0:1:37802932><>" joined team "CT"
Warning: Unable to open overviews/de_dust2_2x2.tga for transfer
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:49: "change_name<19><STEAM_0:0:37724395><>" joined team "TERRORIST"
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:49: "[FF]SloHuK<16><STEAM_0:0:2128880971><CT>" killed "maikl<3><STEAM_0:0:2062305469><TERRORIST>" with "ak47"
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:49: "3loy_So6aKA<18><STEAM_0:0:1301492440><>" entered the game
Warning: Unable to open overviews/de_dust2_2x2.tga for transfer
Warning: Unable to open overviews/de_dust2_2x2.txt for transfer
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:51: [DPROTO]: Client 14 - Set AuthIdType 1 [dp_RevEmu]; pClient = 0xf39e7060
L 04/06/2014 - 22:14:51: "JEKA<28><STEAM_0:0:1599063805><>" connected, address ""

Добавлено (2014-04-06, 19:22)
Убрал строчку с rcon_password вот.

  • Страница 1 из 1
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