Я пишу команду на русском в .SMA и делаю .AMXX файл А на сервере вместо русских букв поевляется пустое поле что мне делать?
И я могу скрин отправить ( плагин resetscore )
/* This is a simple plugin I made that will just restart a players score making their deaths and kills set to 0, this is to help players out a little bit because they no longer have to reconnect or retry if they want their score to start over, they can just type a simple command
--------------------------------- --------- MADE BY SILENTTT ----- ------ MADE BY SILENTTT ------ -- MADE BY SILENTTT ------- ------ MADE BY SILENTTT ------ --------- MADE BY SILENTTT ----- --------------------------------- */
public plugin_init() { register_plugin("Reset Score", "1.0", "Silenttt")
//You may type /resetscore or /restartscore register_clcmd("say /rs", "reset_score") register_clcmd("say /resetscore", "reset_score") register_clcmd("say /restartscore", "reset_score")
//This command by default will be set at 0 //Change it to 1 in server.cfg if you want //A message to be shown to advertise this. pcvar_Advertise = register_cvar("sv_rsadvertise", "0") //This command by default is also 0 //Change it to 1 in server.cfg if you want //It to show who reset their scores when they do it pcvar_Display = register_cvar("sv_rsdisplay", "0")
public reset_score(id) { //These both NEED to be done twice, otherwise your frags wont //until the next round cs_set_user_deaths(id, 0) set_user_frags(id, 0) cs_set_user_deaths(id, 0) set_user_frags(id, 0)
if(get_pcvar_num(pcvar_Display) == 1) { new name[33] get_user_name(id, name, 32) client_print(0, print_chat, "Ваш счет успешно обнулён!", name) } else { client_print(id, print_chat, "Ваш счет успешно обнулён!") } }
public advertise() { set_hudmessage(255, 0, 0, -1.0, 0.20, 0, 0.2, 12.0) show_hudmessage(0, "На сервере есть /reserscore или /rs") }