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IntisTele. Benefits of SMS messaging

Messaging is a simple and efficient way of personalized interaction between a company and its customers. This communication channel is suitable for different areas of business and is effectively used for different purposes. SMS messaging allows you to quickly inform the target audience of company, while each SMS message retains its individuality. Do you want SMS advertising to work in company as well? In this case, use SMS gateway service provider, and the company will offer the best options for organizing SMS mailings to solve your tasks.

SMS advertising (SMS direct), if there is no own base

We bring to your attention a unique service for implementing a targeted advertising campaign using geotargeting and other additional conditions for selecting ad recipients - sms direct. Available criteria: city, region, gender, age, mobile communication costs, phone model, etc. In addition, messages can be delivered to subscribers who will be in the place of your choice during the mailing!

Bulk SMS is an effective way of interacting with customers, a great opportunity to advertise your company at no extra cost, attract new customers and increase the company's profits. With the help of our employees and capabilities, you can easily establish SMS informing, organize high-quality SMS messaging and reach a new level of interaction with the target audience.

SMS notification of clients and employees of the company

When time is so precious, every second counts. And, if earlier some news could well be reported by phone or even in a letter, today not everyone can afford such a luxury.

Therefore, regardless of whether you have several thousand people working for your company, or there are only a few dozen of them, an urgent change in work will certainly affect everyone. In this case, SMS notification will help you. Now all technical problems and schedule shifts will be known to everyone in a few minutes after what happened, and unpleasant consequences can be avoided - or quickly eliminated.

SMS notification has now become the most indispensable and prompt way to inform clients of the company about news and promotions, to notify employees about an upcoming meeting or changes in work. Your phone is always at hand: in the car, at home, at work and on vacation.

Bulk SMS for banks and insurance companies

Despite the fact that banking institutions have recently started using SMS messaging, bank customers have fully appreciated the advantages of this service.

If your bank uses the SMS notification service, this will allow you to:

- promptly send information to clients about the flow of funds in the bank account;
- to provide round-the-clock control of the bank account;
- inform clients about new services: loans, deposits, promotions, opening branches;
- remind about loan payments and the timing of depositing money into the account.

Категория: Услуги | Добавил: help15 (2021-04-25)
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